Food intake regulation in humans involves various central and peripheral mechanisms. In this study salivary amylase was examined for functioning as a measure of satiety and food intake. In a 1.25-h session, 32 fasted subjects were given a preload of starch-based custard (849 kJ) followed by ad libitum intake of this custard. Before and after preload intake and after ad libitum consumption, both satiety ratings and -amylase were analysed. Perceived satiety and amylase were increased after preload and ad libitum consumption. Across subjects, the individual amount of ad libitum intake was negatively correlated to -amylase levels before this intake, whereas it was positively associated with -amylase activity after ad libitum consumption. In conclusion, salivary amylase systematically increases upon food consumption and satiation, and serves therefore as a potential measure of satiety and subsequent food intake.
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